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Dragone Studio using Playfair Display

Dragone Studio is using Playfair Display to great effect on their website.


Tags: Fonts in use


Fiat Australia using Playfair Display

Fiat Australia is using Playfair Display for their website.


Tags: Fonts in use


I’m presenting at the 2013 ATypI conference in Amsterdam

My ATypI 2013 presentation has been scheduled for Sunday 13th of October at 14:25. I hope to see you all there, it’s going to be awesome.

My presentation will deal with the transition from print publishing to screen-based publishing, and what this means for the way we design and typeset.


Tags: Announcements, Conferences, Screens, Typography


Vogue España’s new responsive website uses Playfair Display throughout

¡Strike a pose! Vogue España’s new responsive site uses Playfair Display throughout, and it doesn’t look half bad. They are also self-hosting the font files as the license allows for.

To make Playfair Display look its best, the spacing has been regulated in CSS for each size. You can check out the site here.


Tags: Announcements, Type in use, Webfonts


TypeTalks 2013

I will be presenting at the 2013 TypeTalks in Brno, Czech Republic, on the 6–7th of September 2013.

My presentation is entitled Post-paper, and on the grand transition from publishing to paper, to publishing to screens, and how this necessitates the development of new design conventions and tropes. I hope to see you there.


Tags: Announcements, Conferences, Print, Screens, Typography